Our Services



Pain Level

Keep pain at a tolerable level to alleviate unnecessary suffering



Increase your independence



Reduce the restrictions of daily living


Sense of Well-Being

Improve your sense of well-being and control over pain


Narcotics and Sedatives

Decrease and possibly eliminate the need for narcotics and sedatives



Develop the capacity to return to a normal life and to your work.


Complex pain problems require a specialised, holistic pain-oriented evaluation for successful management.

We Specialise in:

Low back pain

Neck Pain

Lumbar and Cervical Radiculopathy


Facial Pain

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Cancer Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Pain After Surgery

Facet Arthropathy

Raynaud’s Disease

Chronic Abdominal Pain

Chest Wall Pain

Nerve Pain

Intractable Angina

Pelvic Pain

Groin Pain

Shingles Pain

Arthritis Pain


Sports Injury Pain

Post-Accident Pain

Post-Stroke Pain

Post-Surgical Pain

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Complex Pain Syndrome

Disability Evaluation

Services available by THE PAIN SPECIALIST

Various advanced regional anaesthesia techniques, to alleviate pain from surgeries, trauma, and injuries, and to enable very early mobility of patients to improve outcome and avoid problems of prolonged bed rest. (Example: Continuous Femoral Catheter for Total Knee Replacement (Presented in AAOS’05, Washington DC, accepted for publication)

Modern concepts of pre-emptive, preventive, and protective analgesia and multimodal analgesia maximised.

Advanced therapy, with efficacious technologies and approaches from US, Europe and Australia for common aches and pains (E.g.: headaches, chronic low back pain, chronic neck and shoulder pain, nerve pain (e.g.: post-herpes neuralgia), and arthritic pain.

Detailed investigative procedure to evaluate the various cause for pain prior to management.

Interventions may include various fluoroscopic guided epidural and nerve sleeve injections, sympathetic blocks, vertebroplasty, discogram for diagnosis, nerve blocks for desensitisation percutaneous nucleoplasty, radiofrequency lesioning, cryotherapy, and implantation of spinal cord stimulator.

We relieve pain without the use of high doses of opoids, and thus avoiding their side.

Acupuncture, physician directed pain management, and cognitive behavioural therapy are also offered when indicated.

Pain must not be endured especially in cancer. The minimum any cancer patient deserves is pain relief.

Our pain centre takes a wholistic Approach to pain management for patients and their caregivers.

Pain can be effectively controlled and managed in most instances with the current advances of science to minimise the prolonged use of painkillers and unnecessary suffering. We offer the expertise and capabilities to diagnose, evaluate and treat your specific pain issues.

We use a multi-modal mechanistic approach, which means that a team of specialists with diverse expertise works with you and your primary care physician or specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment. The decision to control and manage your pain is a subject that you and your family physician or medical specialist need to discuss.